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How to Get Involved in the MAC 

The BOMA MAC relies on volunteers throughout the region to serve as committee members, call organizers, board members, TOBY Judges,  and other various roles to help shape and develop the MAC for the betterment of all. 

As volunteer needs & leadership roles arise, we will post available opportunities here.
You can also email BOMA MAC Executive Director, Kayla Burmeister, if you'd like to discuss further participation in the MAC.   
All volunteers must be active BOMA members in good standing. 

Call for 2025 Nominating Committee Members

The BOMA MAC is seeking BOMA MAC Board members to participate on the Nominating Committee for the next leadership cycle. The nominating committee will be active during February & March 2025, and will be led by immediate Past Chair Keli Wallace, Accesso | member of BOMA Philadelphia. 
Candidates must:

  • be in a leadership position in their BOMA Local
  • be a member in good standing
  • be willing to be flexible and accommodating with scheduling of meetings and interviews 

What to Expect: 

  • All calls, scheduling of meetings and interviews, and sharing of information to be led by the Nominating Committee Chair. 
  • 1-2 Zoom Calls with Nominating Committee Members to deliberate and discuss process & nominations (February and/or March 2025)
  • Active Participation on Zoom Interviews in March 2025 with Leadership Candidate

Why You Should Participate: 

  • Help shape the direction and future of the MAC by participating in the leadership nomination process
  • Collaborate and network with regional peers 
  • Personal development and BOMA participation
  • Short volunteer opportunity with a big impact 

Call for 2025 Leadership Nominations

The BOMA MAC is seeking candidates for BOMA MAC Leadership roles. The current chair term ends April 2025, and we are looking for interested candidates for the next term cycle.

Open Positions: Vice Chair and/or Treasurer Role(s). 

These roles are active and engaged members of the BOMA MAC Board of Directors and Executive Committee. These roles attend three BOMA Conferences a year - Winter Business Meeting, BOMA Regional Conference, and BOMA International Summer Conference - and attend various virtual calls and meetings throughout the year. The roles work closely with the MAC Executive Director and the Executive Committee to help shape and guide the MAC forward, according to bylaws and goals determined by the board. 

More information on these roles can be seen on the bylaws HERE.


  • must be a member of a BOMA MAC local throughout term. No person may hold more than one office concurrently. 

Term Limits: 

  •     Chair and Vice Chair are limited to serve two (2) consecutive one (1)year terms in each office; Secretary Treasurer may serve two (2) two (2) year terms for a total of four (4) years. The term for this role will start April 2025 at the conclusion of the MAC Conference.

    • Help shape the direction and future of the MAC 
    • Collaborate and network with regional peers
    • Personal and professional leadership development 
    • Participation in BOMA in a leadership role
    • These roles do not provide compensation and are volunteer only. However, the Vice Chair will have hotel, travel and registration costs covered if needed for the Winter Business meeting, BOMA MAC Conference, and BOMA International Summer Conference. The Treasurer will have the MAC Conference registration waived. 

  • Officers shall be elected by the MAC Region Board of Directors at the Annual Conference in April 2025. Prospective candidates 

How to Submit Your Nomination:

Time Line of Nomination Process: 

  • Deadline for Nominations:    Friday, February 28
  • Nominee Zoom Interviews in March 2025
    will be scheduled with candidates by Nominating Committee Chair
  • ·Officers put forth for Board Vote:    Wednesday, April 9, 2025

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